Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Motivation: Be A Hill Seeker

I thought this was very appropriate for today after the 5 miles of rolling hills I did early this morning. It was one of those mornings when getting up at 5:30 am on a Monday hurt a lot and so you turn on your auto-pilot to 5 miles and just get out there and let your body go.

It seemed like every turn we made ended up right at the bottom of a hill. Our auto-pilot mode didn't allow us enough time to process and go the other way so we pushed on up, smaller steps, eyes on the ascending road, arms swinging low.

A long steady incline back reminded me of how tortuous it was to me 3 years ago when I first started running and how I used to avoid it like it was lava. This morning, I kept my pace steady all the way to the top and had to smile.

Hills do get easier in time. No matter what your pace is, to avoid them is to deny yourself the validation that you are truly badass...because you know what? You are badass. So go out there and seek a hill or two and enjoy the downhill ride.

1 comment:

  1. I love this quote...I put in on my blog a while back, too! :)


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