I. Am. SO tired. Of blowing. My nose. Still congested, therefore no run. A friend suggested getting a netti pot? The whole process sounded so gross, but now I think I'll try anything to get over this nastyness. I want/NEED to run. You know what I mean?
This is no-running thing is not exactly my way of starting off the New Year, Janathon, and Moon Joggers, but I did manage to squeeze a 30-some minute workout this evening: Lolo Jones' Core Workout (same from last night's), an ITB Rehab Routine, and my Plank A Day Challenge, Day 2. Side note: If you've ever had any issues with your Illiotibial Band (ITB) or had ITBS (Illiotibial Band Syndrome), I highly recommend that ITB Rehab Routine during the injury, post-injury, and as a preventative/strengthening workout. ITBS was my injury right before my first marathon, Marine Corps Marathon. More on that drama on another day.
So I planked, not in jeans this time, but in my PJ's! Here I am doing a side plank. I did a regular plank on my forearms for 1 min, 40 sec., side plank on my right arm for 59 sec, and side plank on my left arm for 1 min, 5 sec.
Tomorrow, I will try again and see if I feel good enough to run! After a day of eating clementines, drinking OJ, Emergen-C, gallons of water, and eating chicken soup, I can only hope that all the Vitamin C and all the chicken soup goodness has flushed all the nasty virus away.
Has anyone ever tried using a Netti Pot? Not sure if I'm spelling it correctly, but I think I might have to go out and get one tomorrow to try! I'm so over being sick! What do you do to get over a nasty cold quickly?
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